*GUARANTEED Minimum of 3 months of follow-up with our Standard Package.
Our role is to help you and your team learn
how to make AI work for you with Custom Built-For-You
Workshops, Courses, and Guidelines that don’t break the bank.
Something big seems to happen daily.
The morality of its use is questioned.
Everything feels like it’s now or never.
You’re worried about falling behind, but you’re equally worried about whether or not AI is the right move to make.
Your competitors seem to be having it so
easy with their AI integration.
Productivity increases company wide.
Streamlined processes, allowing you and your team to work on the Important stuff.
Improved work-life balance for your employees.
Tools, guidelines and advice for you. Professional development, webinars, and monitoring for your talent and team.
We dedicate ourselves to understanding your business as best we can so that we can create a custom, Built-for-you workshop.
We’ll test your employees to see how versed they are in AI knowledge in order to make a custom learning environment for them.
We audit your business processes through a series of ride-alongs and questionnaires to get a grasp of where AI should and shouldn’t be.
*Available in Standard or Standalone.
After our workshops and webinars, we keep up with your business via surveys and interviews to understand how the AI integration is going.
*Always included in our standard package.
This is perfect for old heads like me! Seriously, this is 101.
April Buford Marketing Professor @ Oakland UniversityUnlike most other AI Literacy Trainings/Speakers. We're not just there for a single talk that roughly covers the basic information around AI. We're not that surface level.
We learn your business inside and out, and in doing so we prep a custom workshop that tackles all of the grey areas, the liabilities surrounding, and the need to know of AI.
And on top of that, we survey your employees every two weeks to find the areas that are the hardest for them to grasp. Providing guidance for guidelines that will help them succeed
We offer 3 months of free follow-up included within our standard package.
This includes surveying employees, creating guidelines, and 10 hours per month of complementary consulting services.
On top of that, if from the time we start working with each other to the end of those three months you haven't seen at least a 40% increase in employee worker productivity, we work for free until you do.
If your budget doesn't support our standard package, and/or our standalone custom workshop package, that's A-Okay!
Although our Standard package offers a fair discount for the package, it is possible to build a plan that might include just the custom workshop, or perhaps, just consulting.
You can also find pre-made presentations of ours avaliable for booking as well.
More information below in the "I don't need a custom workshop, just generic AI training(...)" Section.
We have a variety of workshops that we have already been created and are begging to be performed for you and your team!
This includes topics such as,
"AI In HR", "AI For Sales Professionals", "AI for Automation (Zapier)", "Prompting Basics", "Advanced Prompting for AI Excellence", Etcetera.
Any of our pre-made presentations are available to be performed in front of your employees either in person or online for a flat rate, found in our packages section.
It's been a pleasure working with PriorAIty. They are friendly, cordial, and knowledgeable.
Johnathan Griffin Founder and Owner @ Pier Writing Service